Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Crying in my beer...(but its good beer)

Alias isn't on because of the State of the Union speech - yet another good thing Bush has screwed up.
As if there wasn't enough reason to drink tomorrow night.. My friend Shannon emailed this little game to me.

Laugh until you cry or cry until you laugh. Either way its better than apathy.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

knitting withing the lines (NOT)

My third cool knitted thing ever was a hat for newly minted baby Elijah.
Mommy/Daddy, Tracey and Tony were much more excited than Eli, who clearly valued sleep over fashion.

I tried to follow a pattern from Weekend Knitting, but the anarchist in me would have none of gauges and counting rows, so I made it up as I went along. While I'm quite pleased with the results, I know that the knitting karma isn't always so kind. Next time will try follow directions, play well with others and not run with scissors.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

idle hands are the devils workshop...

My hands have been busy knitting a felted booga bag (thanks to Julie Anderson) for my mom's birthday. I found the Kureyon yarn on-line for $5.79 a skein! Its turning out dreamy - turquoise, royal blue, green, and gold - each row is a surprise. The project has become a bit of an obsession; laundry, cooking, and cleaning are still sitting on my todo list. Truthfully, they are quite used to sitting there - but not for such an extended period.
I love my mother dearly, but that may not be enough to part with with the finished bag...