Thursday, November 30, 2006

Why I'm proud of my hangnails....

I love the process of getting a manicure... picking the color from the tower of nailpolish, the soft music, soaking my hands in warm water, nice smelling lotion. I love being girly and fussed over.
I really hate having a manicure. Three days is my record for not messing it up. I habor the secret bourgeois notion that people with nails that are too nice need more things to do with their hands. And let me tell you friend that lately my grubby hands (and their cuticles) have been busy....

Exhibit A: One for me...
The beginnings of Tulip from the Fall KnitScene, which is so nicely modeled by Brooks (the other) cat. I'm using a lovely pearl colored mohair that I rescued from my mom's basement.

Exhibit B: One for you...
Traveling Rib Scarf Remix from the Traveling Rib Sweater in Loop-d-Loop. I adapted Teva Durham's stitch pattern into a scarf for my brother. It was great fun... the pattern is scattered randomly throughout the scarf, making the dark teal Jo Sharp Silk Road Aran yarn look like a lovely river with ripples and eddies all flowing in the same direction that I thought symbolized his current path through life. My brother's comment - "oh great- I needed a blue scarf..."

Exhibit C: One for me...
Toe up socks - heeheehee

Exhibit D: One for you...
Jemez Springs toe up socks for my mom....with colors reminded me of the Southwestern mesas and sky.
Mom, my brother and my brood rented a house on the river for Thanksgiving and these socks were started then. The trip was bliss...I believe that if more people ate tamales with New Mexican red chile and spent more time in hot springs, the world would be a better place... wouldn't it be nice if everyone had a pair of handknit socks too? (That's why I need a big stash - I'm promoting world peace.)

Exhibit E: One for TBD...
When the lovely and *oh so* talented Ms. Pink invited me to her house for a (really great) night of social knitting, I had to break out the good stuff.
This yarn is quite possibly the hippest yarn in my stash. I'm talking punk runk yarn - lovely staus-quo blues, grays and greens that are totally freaked out by random FU-bright-red splatters. It knit up really quickly and one skein was just enough for a short chunky "I'm too cool to be bothered with wrapping this around my neck" length. Its supposed to be a gift, but I'm feeling the need the instant hip.funk points from this scarf more than the person I knit it for.

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